There are no classes for Birchmout students Monday, April 15 to allow for Parent Teacher Interviews and staff professional learning.  Thank you to everyone who participated in the interviews and student-led conferences on Thursday.  It is wonderful to see families interested in their child’s education.

Traffic Concerns

We appreciate the feedback we are receiving regarding the necessary changes in traffic flow and signage outside the school.  We are also encouraged by the families that are giving us thumbs up, waves, and thanks when we are outside trying to support our current situation.   We are meeting with the City of Moncton, the Department of Justice and Public Safety and the District in early May to problem-solve and develop a more permanent solution. 

We recognize that there is a “NO LEFT TURN” sign at the exit of the Kiss and Drop that may be causing some confusion.   That sign was placed before the city changed that intersection to a 4-way stop.  We have requested the sign be changed to indicate the updated flow of traffic.

Beginning Tuesday, April 16, you will see parent volunteers and staff in the Kiss and Drop to improve the efficiency of the traffic.  Volunteers will be opening the passenger side doors of your vehicle to speed up the drop-off process.  There are a few things you can do to make this run more smoothly:

  • Pull up directly to the volunteers/staff member.  We will be unloading 2 vehicles at a time.
  • Have your child ready to go with their backpack when you pull up to the volunteers.  It may be useful to prime your child beforehand so they know that someone will open the door and help them out and that they need to move as quickly as possible. 
  • There is no need to exit your vehicle. This will only slow down the flow of traffic.  If you need to enter the school, please park your vehicle in the parking lot and come in.
  • Do NOT pass vehicles in the morning Kiss and Drop area.  This is extremely dangerous.  Cautiously and slowly passing vehicles during the afternoon pick-up is permitted. 

If you can lend some time in the morning and are interested in volunteering with the Kiss and Drop, please reach out to our Administrative Assistant, Candis Ward (

Thank you for your patience as we find the safest and most efficient way for our students to arrive at Birchmount School.  



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